Unlock Your Nonprofit’s Potential

Elevate your impact with Mission Success Coaching

Are you ready to take your nonprofit to the next level? Introducing Mission Success Coaching, a personalized program designed to empower your journey. Led by Kiersten Hill—Firespring’s Director of Nonprofit Solutions with over two decades of industry experience—this coaching is all about you, your goals and your organization.

Nonprofit leadership isn’t easy, but with Mission Success Coaching, you’ll have a dedicated partner by your side. Together we’ll overcome obstacles, seize opportunities and create a game plan tailored to your nonprofit’s unique needs. 

Features that make a difference:

  • Tailored 1-hour Coaching Sessions: Deep-dive into topics that matter most to you—whether it’s management, marketing, fundraising, board development and more.
  • Expert Recommendations: Receive a one-page follow-up summary from your nonprofit specialist after each visit, outlining key insights and actionable recommendations.
  • Ongoing Support: Access up to four 15-minute conversations between monthly sessions to keep you on track.
  • Exclusive Savings: As a bonus, get 15% off Firespring marketing, creative and print services recommended by your nonprofit specialist, no strings attached.

Price: $440/month (3 months minimum)

Our mission is to help you accomplish yours.

Ready to make a bigger impact? Connect with us to unlock your nonprofit’s full potential.

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